Front Cover of Left-handed Diary 2025

Left-Handed Diary 2025

Left-Handed Diary 2025.

Specifically designed for lefthanders and spiral bound on the right hand side!

Original price was: £9.95.Current price is: £7.50.

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The diary, spiral bound on the right hand side for easier opening by the lefthander, runs from 30th December 2024 to 4th January 2026 with a week-by-week view, but with all planning pages on the left side making it much easier for left-handers to use. On the right-hand side of every double page spread is a notes page and a quirky ‘left hand fact’ which are very interesting, some about celebrities, tv shows and many other facts.
At the front of the diary there is a list of useful contacts and websites, a conversion table, a contact numbers page to fill out, 2025 notable dates and a 2025 Planner calendar. Meanwhile at the back there are extra note pages, space for addresses and telephone numbers, 2026 notable dates and a 2026 Planner calendar. The A5 diary is sure to make a welcome addition to any desk.
This diary is free of plastic packaging and can be recycled.


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Left ‘n Write is the online retailer of left handed stationery, tools, utensils and left handed writing books and Teacher/Parent training.

We have over 25 years experience and have written the “Left Hand Writing Skills” and “So You Think They’re Left-Handed?” book, as well as designing the “Writewell” mats. For left-handed products, educational advice and training, both in person and by Interactive video download, we are the number one web site!

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