Left Hand Writing Skills Book 3, "Successful Smudge Free writing"

Left Hand Writing Skills – Book 3


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Left Hand Writing Skills – Book 3. Successful Smudge-Free Writing

The third book aims to consolidate the process of developing good writing habits. In this book, the writer applies all that has been learned in Books 1 and 2 to writing with a pen – in ink this is the real test of success for the left-handed writer. First to create words which are accurately formed and legible, and then to avoid spoiling them by smudging as the left hand follows the pen across the page.

The worksheets in Book 3 provide a wide variety of activities, all linked to handwriting in one way or another. From early Egyptian tablets to Leonardo da Vinci’s curious mirror-writing, invitations to shopping lists and menu cards. Fascinating illustrations and full colour presentation once again keep the interest of the left-handed student while the correct left-hand habits are finally absorbed.

“The handwriting skills book was an excellent resource. When I realised that my son was left handed I was very keen to avoid him having the typical hook style of writing so I invested in the books. They have proved to be invaluable as he is now 8 years old and has lovely, fluent, joined handwriting. He saw the books as a bit of fun as they were so well presented and easy to access without much parent intervention. I can thoroughly recommend them to any parent of a leftie.”
Ruth Bond, Teacher

*Please note : this book is NOT PHOTOCOPIABLE – there is a fully-photocopiable version in the combined book.*


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Leftshoponline.co.uk is the online retailer of left handed stationery, tools, utensils and left handed writing books and Teacher/Parent training.

We have over 25 years experience and have written the “Left Hand Writing Skills” and “So You Think They’re Left-Handed?” book, as well as designing the “Writewell” mats. For left-handed products, educational advice and training, both in person and by Interactive video download, we are the number one web site!

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