Left n Write Ltd collects certain information or data about you when you use Left n Write Ltd
We collect:
This data can be viewed by authorised people at Left n Write Ltd to:
We store your data on secure servers provided by DreamHost
Sending information over the internet is generally not completely secure, and we canโt guarantee the security of your data while itโs in transit.
Any data you send is at your own risk.
We have procedures and security features in place to keep your data secure once we receive it.
We may pass on your personal information if we have a legal obligation to do so, or if we have to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements.
We wonโt share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, and we donโt pass on your details to other websites.
You can find out about your rights here, and ask us via email to info@leftshoponline.co.uk what information we hold about you and to not to use any of the information we collect.
If youโve signed up for email alerts, you can unsubscribe or change your settings at any time by selecting the โunsubscribeโ link that appears in every email.
This website contains links to other websites.
This privacy policy only applies to leftshoponline.co.uk, and doesnโt cover other websites services and transactions that we link to.
If you go to another website from this one, read the privacy policy on that website to find out what it does with your information.
If you come to leftshoponline.co.uk from another website, we may receive information from the other website. We donโt use this data. You should read the privacy policy of the website you came from to find out more about this.