Left-handersโ€™ Handwriting Table Guide โ€“ Single item

Left-handersโ€™ Handwriting Table Guide โ€“ Single Item

Shows the correct pencil grip and paper angle to ensure the hand goes under the writing rather than over it, so there is no smudging or messy hands!

Dimensions:  21.5cm x 4.5cm


In stock

Designed to be an โ€œAdd-on toโ€ and not โ€œinstead ofโ€ the Left Hand Writing Skills books, this Table Guide will continue the focus of  using a good pencil/pen grip and also turning the page.

The desired effect is that the childโ€™s hand goes under their writing rather than over it, producing clear and legible handwriting without them smudging it or being unable to read it.

This Table Guide has appropriate instructions for both child and parent/teacher as to how to hold the pencil and how to angle the paper.

It can either be stuck to the table (removing the back sheet reveals it as a sticker) or not, as desired. It is also an overt reminder for the teacher that the child sitting there is left-handed and may need appropriate advice/guidance.

Dimensions:  21.5cm x 4.5cm

Single Item

Left โ€˜n Write

Leftshoponline.co.uk is the online retailer of left handed stationery, tools, utensils and left handed writing books and Teacher/Parent training.

We have over 25 years experience and have written the โ€œLeft Hand Writing Skillsโ€ and โ€œSo You Think Theyโ€™re Left-Handed?โ€ book, as well as designing the โ€œWritewellโ€ mats. For left-handed products, educational advice and training, both in person and by Interactive video download, we are the number one web site!

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** Please note: this is our registered business address and NOT a shop. We now only trade online. **

Left n Write Ltd
5 Deansway


Pixertise Website Design Malvern and Worcester

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